
Stupid Python Tricks: The KeyboardInterrupt Exception

If you try to stop a CPython program using Control-C, the interpreter throws a KeyboardInterrupt exception. Unfortunately, this is an ordinary exception, and is, like all other exceptions, caught by a “catch-all” try-except statement. For example, if your program contains code like the following, your users may find that pressing Control-C is a great way to mess up their

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The Tkinter Canvas Widget

The Canvas widget provides structured graphics facilities for Tkinter. This is a highly versatile widget that can be used to draw graphs and plots, create graphics editors, and implement various kinds of custom widgets. When to use the Canvas Widget  The canvas is a general-purpose widget, which is typically used to display and edit graphs and other

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Cisco NetAcad Learning

What is Cisco Netacad? Cisco Networking Academy, often referred to as Cisco NetAcad, is an online learning platform that provides comprehensive training on networking, cybersecurity, and IT skills. The platform is developed and managed by Cisco Systems itself. Cisco is an America based global leader in networking and telecommunications technology providing quality computer networking products.

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Paramiko in Python

What is Paramiko? Paramiko is a Python library for Secure Shell (SSH) protocol implementation, which enables Python applications to access, configure, and manage remote servers securely. Paramiko is not part of Python’s standard library. It is primarily used for automating system administration tasks, transferring files securely, and establishing secure connections to remote systems. When your

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Installing PIP without Error

What is PIP? PIP stands for Preferred Installer Program or alternatively called Pip Installs Packages is a package management system that is used to install and manage software packages written in Python. Whenever you want to install any packages in a Python environment, PIP is used. For example, if you want to install pandas, you

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Python XML and ElementTree Module

In this post, we have explained in detail how to deal with XML files in Python. We will also see some of the complex terms of ElementTree module. What are XML files? Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a file format that is used for the serialization of data, that is, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data,

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An algorithm has been developed to compute the sum of all the elements in a list of integers. Which of the following programming structures must be added to the existing algorithm so that the new algorithm computes the sum of only the even integers in the list?

Q) An algorithm has been developed to compute the sum of all the elements in a list of integers. Which of the following programming structures must be added to the existing algorithm so that the new algorithm computes the sum of only the even integers in the list? options: Answer: 3 Selection Selection Structure uses

An algorithm has been developed to compute the sum of all the elements in a list of integers. Which of the following programming structures must be added to the existing algorithm so that the new algorithm computes the sum of only the even integers in the list? Read More »

Python Requests Module

What is Python Request? Python Requests is a module that allows you to deal with HTTP requests using Python. It is actually a simple API for making HTTP calls for sending and receiving data from the provided URL using various request methods. There is already a built-in urllib library in Python that does the same job

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Best Gaming Laptop Tested in 2024

The world of PC gaming is ever-evolving, demanding ever-more powerful machines. But who wants to be chained to a desk? Gaming laptops offer the perfect blend of portability and performance, allowing you to dominate the battlefield from anywhere. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the best gaming laptops we’ve tested in 2024, catering to a variety

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Download Chromedriver for Selenium

Selenium is a powerful automation framework that lets you control web browsers programmatically. But to navigate the web like a boss with Selenium, you need a trusty companion: ChromeDriver. This post equips you with all the knowledge to download the perfect ChromeDriver for your Selenium endeavors. Here is the page to download ChromeDriver of any

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Asyncore and Generators

I’ve been playing with asyncore and 2.2’s new generator model. Here’s the idea: Instead of passing events to callbacks, pass information to a single handle function (a generator) via instance attributes. When the handler needs more data from the network, use yield to pass control back to the asyncore dispatcher. Does it work? You bet. from YieldAsyncore import * class httpClient(YieldDispatcherWithSend):

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The cPickle module

(Optional). This module contains a faster reimplementation of the pickle module. Example: Using the cPickle module # File: cpickle-example-1.py try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle # fall back on Python version class Sample: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value sample = Sample(1) data = pickle.dumps(sample) print pickle print repr(data) <module ‘cPickle’ (built-in)> “(i__main__\012Sample\012p1\012(dp2\012S’value’\012p3\012I1\012sb.”

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The pickle module

This module is used to serialize data; that is, convert data to and from character strings, so that they can be stored on file or sent over a network. It’s a quite a bit slower than marshal, but it can handle class instances, shared elements, and recursive data structures, among other things. There’s also a faster

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The copy_reg module

This module provides a registry that you can use to register your own extension types. The pickle and copy modules use this registry to figure out how to process non-standard types. For example, the standard pickle implementation cannot deal with Python code objects, as shown by the following example: # File: copy-reg-example-1.py import pickle CODE = “”” print ‘good evening’ “””

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The bdb module

The “bdb” module provides the bdb.Bdb class, which you can subclass to create your own debugger. You can then override its methods to define custom behavior for breakpoints, tracing, and handling exceptions. Here’s a simple example of using the “bdb” module to create a basic debugger: pythonCopy codeimport bdb class MyDebugger(bdb.Bdb): def user_line(self, frame): self.set_trace(frame)

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The pdb module

This is the standard Python debugger. It is based on the bdb debugger framework. You can run the debugger from the command line. Type n (or next) to go to the next line, help to get a list of available commands. $ pdb.py hello.py > hello.py(0)?() (Pdb) n > hello.py() (Pdb) n hello again, and welcome to the show –Return– > hello.py(1)?()->None

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The xdrlib module

This module converts between Python data types and Sun’s external data representation (XDR). Example: Using the xdrlib module import xdrlib # # create a packer and add some data to it p = xdrlib.Packer() p.pack_uint(1) p.pack_string(“spam”) data = p.get_buffer() print “packed:”, repr(data) # # create an unpacker and use it to decode the data u

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The aggdraw Module

   We’re back after a server migration that caused codespit.com to fall over a bit harder than expected. Expect some glitches. The aggdraw Module An AGG-based drawing interface. The aggdraw module implements the basic WCK 2D Drawing Interface on top of the AGG library. This library supports anti-aliasing and alpha compositing, but is otherwise fully compatible with the WCK

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The operator module

This module provides a “functional” interface to the standard operators in Python. The functions in this module can be used instead of some lambda constructs, when processing data with functions like map and filter. They are also quite popular among people who like to write obscure code, for obvious reasons. Example: Using the operator module # File: operator-example-1.py import operator sequence =

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ElementTree Overview

   ElementTree Overview “But I have found that sitting under the ElementTree, one can feel the Zen of XML.”— Essien Ita Essien Update 2007-09-12: ElementTree 1.3 alpha 3 is now available. For more information, see Introducing ElementTree 1.3. Update 2007-08-27: ElementTree 1.2.7 preview is now available. This is 1.2.6 plus support for IronPython. The serializer is ~20% faster, and now

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