The Tkinter Radio Button Widget

The Radiobutton is a standard Tkinter widget used to implement one-of-many selections. Radiobuttons can contain text or images, and you can associate a Python function or method with each button. When the button is pressed, Tkinter automatically calls that function or method. The button can only display text in a single font, but the text may span more than […]

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Python Imaging Library

The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities. The current stable version is 1.1.7, released in November 2009. The next release will be 1.2, with “early 2011” as the release target. Prebuilt versions of PIL are available in most Linux

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Python ImagingBook Concepts

The Python Imaging Library handles raster images; that is, rectangles of pixel data. Bands An image can consist of one or more bands of data. The Python Imaging Library allows you to store several bands in a single image, provided they all have the same dimensions and depth. To get the number and names of bands

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Tkinter Popup Menus

Tkinter is a standard library in Python that is used to create Graphical User Interface (GUI) based desktop applications. It is pronounced (Tk inter).  You can learn more about Tkinter in the tkinter tutorial. How to create pop-up menus in tkinter?

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The Tkinter Spinbox Widget

When to use the Spinbox Widget The Spinbox widget can be used instead of an ordinary Entry, in cases where the user only has a limited number of ordered values to choose from. Note that the spinbox widget is only available in Python 2.3 and later when linked against Tk 8.4 or later. Also, note that several

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The Consumer Interface in Python

The consumer interface is a simple “data sink” interface, used by standard Python modules such as xmllib and sgmllib. Other examples include the GZIP consumer and PIL’s ImageParser class. The consumer will typically convert incoming raw data in some way, and pass it on to a another layer. For example, XML parsers implementing this protocol usually parse the data stream into a stream of

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