Webdriver Torso
June 2014
import cStringIO as StringIO import random from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageEnhance def webdriver_torso(size, name="aqua.flv", slide=None): # render test image im = Image.new("RGB", size, "white") d = ImageDraw.Draw(im) # boxes for color in "blue", "red": x0 = random.randint(1, size[0]-1) y0 = random.randint(1, size[1]-1) x1 = random.randint(1, size[0]-1) y1 = random.randint(1, size[1]-1) d.rectangle((x0, y0, x1, y1), fill=color) # title if slide is None: slide = random.randint(0, 10) d.text((10, size[1]-30), "%s - Slide %04d" % (name, slide), "black") return im def fuzz(im, quality=480): # simulate video compression # introduce compression artifacts tmp = StringIO.StringIO() im.save(tmp, "JPEG", quality=70) tmp.seek(0) # rewind im = Image.open(tmp) # fuzz the result slightly im = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(im).enhance(0.5) if quality == 240: # simulate 240p im = im.resize((426, 240), Image.ANTIALIAS) # zoom up to player size return im.resize((854, 480), Image.BICUBIC) im = fuzz(webdriver_torso((640, 360)), 240) im.show()
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