The Tkinter 3000 WCK Drawing Interface
August 17, 2002 | Fredrik Lundh
The WCK C/C++ Drawing API
Somewhat ironically, the Tkinter WCK provides a C version of its drawing interface. This can be used by widgets that need to be partially implemented in C or C++ for performance reasons, or to be able to reuse an existing code base.
To get a handle to the C API, call the getcapi method on the drawing context. This returns a Python CObject, which contains a pointer to a WCKSimple2DAPI method table for the current device:
# class MyWidget(Widget): def ui_handle_repair(self, draw, x0, y0, x1, y1): capi = draw.getcapi() # get handle to C API, capi) ...
/* mymodule.c */ #include "tk3000.h" static PyObject* mymodule_repair(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { WCKSimple2DAPI* api; PyObject* capi; PyObject* draw; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO:widget", &draw, &capi)) return NULL; api = PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(capi); ... Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
The methods in this table are described below:
The WCKSimple2DAPI Core Interface
The core interface includes a number of primitives that must be supported by all drivers.
api->getpen(). Create a pen object for use with this instance. The pen is returned as a PyObject, and should be treated as an opaque object by the application code. To release the pen, use Py_DECREF.
api->getbrush(). Create a brush object for use with this instance.
api->line(). Draw a line segment.
api->rectangle(). Draw a rectangle.
api->getfont(). Create a font object for use with this instance.
api->text(). Draw text using the given font. The reference coordinate is the left end of the baseline.
api->textsize(). Determine the size of a string if drawn on this device.
struct WCKSimple2DAPI { ... PyObject* getpen(PyObject* draw, int color, int width) PyObject* getbrush(PyObject* draw, int color, int style) int line(PyObject* draw, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, PyObject* pen) int rectangle(PyObject* draw, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, PyObject* pen, PyObject* brush) PyObject* getfont(PyObject* draw, int color, char* fontname) int text(PyObject* draw, int x0, int y0, char* text, int textsize, PyObject* font) int textsize(PyObject* draw, char* text, int textsize, PyObject* font, int* width, int* height) ...
The WCKSimple2DAPI Draw Extensions Interface
The extension interface provides additional methods.
api->pyline(). Draw a line segment, or a number of connected line segments.
api->pyrectangle(). Draw a rectangle.
api->pytext(). Draw text using the given font. The reference coordinate is the left end of the baseline.
api->pypolygon(). Draw a polygon.
api->pyellipse(). Draw an ellipse.
The WCKSimple2DAPI Pixmap Interface
api->getpixmap(). Create a pixmap object for use with this instance.
api->paste(). Copy pixmap to drawing target.
api->getimage(). Create a pixmap object for use with this instance, and copy an image object into it.