Simple Iterator-based Parsing
Fredrik Lundh | November 2005 | Originally posted to
Iterator-based parsing is an efficient and straightforward way of writing recursive-descent parsers in Python. Here’s an outline:
- use an iterator to split the source into a stream of tokens or token descriptors.
- pass the iterator’s next method and the first token to the toplevel parser class.
- use separate functions, where appropriate, for individual grammar rules. pass the next method and the current token on to these functions as well.
- to check the current token, inspect the token argument. to fetch the next token, call the next method.
Here’s a simple example. This is a limited but hopefully safe version of Python’s eval function, which handles strings, floating point values, integers, and tuples only. Tuples can be nested.
import cStringIO, tokenize def atom(next, token): if token[1] == "(": out = [] token = next() while token[1] != ")": out.append(atom(next, token)) token = next() if token[1] == ",": token = next() return tuple(out) elif token[0] is tokenize.STRING: return token[1][1:-1].decode("string-escape") elif token[0] is tokenize.NUMBER: try: return int(token[1], 0) except ValueError: return float(token[1]) raise SyntaxError("malformed expression (%s)" % token[1]) def simple_eval(source): src = cStringIO.StringIO(source).readline src = tokenize.generate_tokens(src) return atom(,
The simple_eval function uses the generate_tokens function in the standard tokenize module to produce a stream of tokens (for each token, this function returns a tuple containing a token code, the token value, start and end offsets, and the source line (as returned by readline)).
The atom function implements a simplified version of the atom rule in the Python grammar. In this version, it handles tuples, numbers, and strings with inline code, and calls itself to extract the tuple members.
Here’s the code in action:
>>> simple_eval("'hello'") 'hello' >>> simple_eval("(1, 2, 3, 4711.0)") (1, 2, 3, 4711.0) >>> simple_eval("('spam',123,('spam','egg'),0x10,(3.14,))") ('spam', 123, ('spam', 'egg'), 16, (3.1400000000000001,))
This first version doesn’t check if anything’s left in the token stream before it returns the result, so valid expressions that happens to be followed by junk characters will parse just fine:
>>> simple_eval("'hello')))") 'hello'
To fix this, add a check to the simple_eval function. In this case, the tokenize module uses a special token to indicate that it has reached the end of the source, so all you have to do is to grab the next token and make sure it’s the expected end marker:
def simple_eval(source): src = cStringIO.StringIO(source).readline src = tokenize.generate_tokens(src) res = atom(, if[0] is not tokenize.ENDMARKER: raise SyntaxError("bogus data after expression") return res
With this in place, you’ll get a nice little exception:
>>> simple_eval("'hello')))") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 27, in simple_eval raise SyntaxError("bogus data after expression") SyntaxError: bogus data after expression >>> simple_eval("'hello'") 'hello'
Here’s another buglet (there is at least one more, but I’ll return to that one later): the code uses cStringIO to split the source string into individual lines, but the parser chokes on line breaks:
>>> simple_eval("(1, 2, 3, \n4711.0)") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 33, in ? print repr(simple_eval("(1, 2, 3, \n4711.0)")) File "", line 27, in simple_eval res = atom(, File "", line 8, in atom out.append(atom(next, token)) File "", line 21, in atom raise SyntaxError("malformed expression (%s)" % token[1]) SyntaxError: malformed expression ( )
It’s not obvious, but the erronous token is a newline character. Changing (%s) to (%r) in the error format string makes it easier to spot the problem:
>>> simple_eval("(1, 2, 3, \n4711.0)") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 33, in ? print repr(simple_eval("(1, 2, 3, \n4711.0)")) File "", line 27, in simple_eval res = atom(, File "", line 8, in atom out.append(atom(next, token)) File "", line 21, in atom raise SyntaxError("malformed expression (%r)" % token[1]) SyntaxError: malformed expression ('\n')
To fix this bug, the code needs to ignore newline characters. The easiest way to do this is to add a filter to the token stream. A generator expression comes in handy:
def simple_eval(source): src = cStringIO.StringIO(source).readline src = tokenize.generate_tokens(src) src = (token for token in src if token[0] is not tokenize.NL) res = atom(, if[0] is not tokenize.ENDMARKER: raise SyntaxError("bogus data after expression") return res
The generator expression will simply skip all NL tokens, so the rest of the code don’t really have to bother.
>>> simple_eval("(1, 2, 3, \n4711.0)")
(1, 2, 3, 4711.0)
Generator expressions were added in Python 2.4. In Python 2.3, you can use itertools.ifilter instead.
Note that the use of stacked generators results in lazy parsing of the source file; the parser will call the expression’s next method to get the next non-NL token, and the expression will call the tokenizer’s next method until it gets one.