Generating PythonDoc Pages for Virtual Modules
November 2003 | Fredrik Lundh
PythonDoc 2 can be used both as a command-line utility, and as a Python module. The latter can come in handy in situations where there’s not a direct match between the Python source files, and the programming interface exposed to the user. In such cases, you can use PythonDoc’s parse function to read in the documentation for the actual source files, and manipulate the resulting module descriptions in Python before generating the output files.
For example, the WCK library consists of a number of implementation modules, and a package that pulls everything together. In the Tkinter implementation, that file looks something like this:
# WCK/ from wckTkinter import * from Utils import *
In other words, the user gets access to all functions and classes in both the wckTkinter module and the Utils module simply by importing the WCK package itself. Which is exactly what the user is supposed to do, of course. The other modules are just implementation details.
Here’s a small script that parses both modules, and merges the result into a single WCK module description:
from pythondoc import parse, CompactHTML from elementtree.ElementTree import Element module = Element("module", name="WCK") for file in ["WCK/", "WCK/"]: elem = parse(file) for elem in elem: if module and elem.tag == "info": # skip all module info sections except the first continue module.append(elem) formatter = CompactHTML() print, "WCK"), "ok"
The output from this script will look something like this: The WCK Module.