Adding a pseudocolor palette to a PIL Image object
June 16, 2002 | Fredrik Lundh
“ I’d like to show a greylevel image as miscolored image, anyone has an idea how i can do it and maybe adjust the color scale? “
Do you mean pseudocoloring? Something like this should work:
from PIL import Image im ="some grayscale image") im.load() # make sure it's loaded into memory assert im.mode == "L" # create a lookup table (r, g, b, r, g, b, r, g, b, ...) lut = [] for i in range(256): lut.extend([255-i, i/2, i]) im.putpalette(lut) assert im.mode == "P" # now has a palette"out.gif")
The load call is a workaround for a bug in PIL 1.1.3 and earlier. Without it, you will sometimes get a ValueError exception when attempting to save (or further process) the image.