Convert Between Numerical Arrays and PIL Image Objects
October 1998 | Fredrik Lundh
This module provides two helper functions that allow you to convert between Numerical Python (dead link) arrays and PIL images. The fromstring/tostring approach may look a bit crude, but experiments (by others) indicate that the result is about as fast as it can get, on most modern platforms.
# # convert between numerical arrays and PIL image memories # # fredrik lundh, october 1998 # # # # import Numeric, Image def image2array(im): if im.mode not in ("L", "F"): raise ValueError, "can only convert single-layer images" if im.mode == "L": a = Numeric.fromstring(im.tostring(), Numeric.UnsignedInt8) else: a = Numeric.fromstring(im.tostring(), Numeric.Float32) a.shape = im.size[1], im.size[0] return a def array2image(a): if a.typecode() == Numeric.UnsignedInt8: mode = "L" elif a.typecode() == Numeric.Float32: mode = "F" else: raise ValueError, "unsupported image mode" return Image.fromstring(mode, (a.shape[1], a.shape[0]), a.tostring())
See Also
Ed Jones: Python Utilities and Packages. Includes PyCV and other modules (dead link) that can be used to connect PIL to NumPy and other libraries.