The Standard Python Library: New Modules in Python 2.1
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- __future__
A registry of features supported by the from __future__ compiler directive.
- difflib
Tools to detect differences and calculate deltas between lists of objects.
- distutils (package)
Tools to distribute and install Python extensions.
- doctest
A test framework, based on docstrings. To use this for general testing, you can write test scripts and use doctest to make sure the test scripts work as documented. Also see unittest.
- inspect
Tools to extract information about Python objects, of all kinds.
- pydoc
Tools to automatically generate documentation for a Python module, based on class layout, function and method signatures, docstrings, and more.
- smtpd
A simple SMTP proxy daemon.
- symtable
Tools to access the compiler’s internal symbol table.
Unicode name database, used to support \N{} escapes in Unicode string literals. The database has been moved to the unicodedata module.
- unittest
Tools to write unit tests for Python code, modelled after Kent Beck’s Smalltalk test framework and Java’s
JUnit(dead link). - warnings
A warning generation framework. The standard library itself uses this framework to generate warnings for deprecated library modules.
- weakref
Helpers to create weak object references, including weak containers.
- xml.dom.domreg
XML DOM implementation registry. To access the registry, use the xml.dom.getDOMImplementation and xml.dom.registerDOMImplementation functions.
- xreadlines
A file wrapper that uses large buffers to speed up reading individual text lines.