Generating RFC 822-style Date Strings
Fredrik Lundh | June 2003 | Originally posted to
The RSS 2.0 (dead link) specification uses RFC 822-style date strings to store publication dates and build dates.
Here’s a snippet from my publishing tool that takes an “yyyymmdd” or “yyyymmddhhmmss” string, and generates an RSS-compatible string. It uses Python’s calendar module to calculate weekdays, and to get day and month names. Tweak as necessary:
def formatpubdate(date): # convert a yyyymmddhhmmss (UTC) string to RSS pubDate format from calendar import weekday, month_abbr, day_abbr year, month, day = date[:4], date[4:6], date[6:8] hour, minute, second = date[8:10], date[10:12], date[12:14] if not hour: hour = "12" if not minute: minute = "00" if not second: second = "00" wday = weekday(int(year), int(month), int(day)) return "%s, %s %s %s %s:%s:%s GMT" % ( day_abbr[wday], day, month_abbr[int(month)], year, hour, minute, second )