The timing module
(Obsolete, Unix-only). This module can be used to time the execution of a Python program.
Example: Using the timing module
# File: import timing import time def procedure(): time.sleep(1.234) timing.start() procedure() timing.finish() print "seconds:", timing.seconds() print "milliseconds:", timing.milli() print "microseconds:", timing.micro()
seconds: 1 milliseconds: 1239 microseconds: 1239999
The following script shows how you can emulate this module using functions in the standard time module.
Example: Emulating the timing module
# File: import time, sys if sys.platform == "win32": timer = time.clock else: timer = time.time t0 = t1 = 0 def start(): global t0 t0 = timer() def finish(): global t1 t1 = timer() def seconds(): return int(t1 - t0) def milli(): return int((t1 - t0) * 1000) def micro(): return int((t1 - t0) * 1000000)
Note that the script uses time.clock() on Windows, since it has a much higher resolution than the ordinary time() function on that platform. On other platforms, you should only use clock to get CPU time.