The strop module
(Obsolete) This is a low-level module that provides fast C implementations of most functions in the string module. It is automatically included by string, so there’s seldom any need to access it directly.
However, one reason to use this module is if you need to tweak the path before you start loading Python modules.
Example: Using the strop module
# File: import strop # built-in module import sys # built-in module # assuming we have an executable named ".../executable", add a # directory named ".../executable-extra" to the path if strop.lower(sys.executable)[-4:] == ".exe": extra = sys.executable[:-4] # windows else: extra = sys.executable sys.path.insert(0, extra + "-extra") import mymodule
In Python 2.0 and later, you should use string methods instead of strop. In the above example, replace “strop.lower(sys.executable)” with “sys.executable.lower()”