The SocketServer module
This module provides a framework for various kinds of socket-based servers. The module provides a number of classes that can be mixed and matched to create servers for different purposes.
The following example implements an Internet Time Protocol server, using this module. Use the timeclient script to try it out:
Example: Using the SocketServer module
# File: import SocketServer import time # user-accessible port PORT = 8037 # reference time TIME1970 = 2208988800L class TimeRequestHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): def handle(self): print "connection from", self.client_address t = int(time.time()) + TIME1970 b = chr(t>>24&255) + chr(t>>16&255) + chr(t>>8&255) + chr(t&255) self.wfile.write(b) server = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), TimeRequestHandler) print "listening on port", PORT server.serve_forever()
connection from ('', 1488) connection from ('', 1489) ...