# File: os-example-3.py import os import string def replace(file, search_for, replace_with): # replace strings in a text file back = os.path.splitext(file)[0] + ".bak" temp = os.path.splitext(file)[0] + ".tmp" try: # remove old temp file, if any os.remove(temp) except os.error: pass fi = open(file) fo = open(temp, "w") for s in fi.readlines(): fo.write(string.replace(s, search_for, replace_with)) fi.close() fo.close() try: # remove old backup file, if any os.remove(back) except os.error: pass # rename original to backup... os.rename(file, back) # ...and temporary to original os.rename(temp, file) # # try it out! file = "samples/sample.txt" replace(file, "hello", "tjena") replace(file, "tjena", "hello")