Python Imaging Library Handbook
This is the PIL handbook. This edition covers release 1.1.6 of the Python Imaging Library.
You can find versions in other formats, as well as earlier versions, in the PythonWare library (dead link).
Note: This is the source document used to generate the official PythonWare version of the Python Imaging Library Handbook. Note that the links below point to documents that are being edited; in other words, they may be incomplete, broken, or otherwise messed up.
Part I. Introduction #
Part II. Module Reference #
The Image Module
The ImageChops Module
The ImageColor Module
The ImageDraw Module
The ImageEnhance Module
The ImageFile Module
The ImageFileIO Module
The ImageFilter Module
The ImageFont Module
The ImageGrab Module
The ImageMath Module (PIL 1.1.6 only)
The ImageOps Module
The ImagePalette Module
The ImagePath Module
The ImageQt Module (PIL 1.1.6 only)
The ImageSequence Module
The ImageStat Module
The ImageTk Module
The ImageWin Module
The PSDraw Module
The ImageCrackCode Module (PIL Plus only)
The ImageGL Module (PIL Plus only)
Part III. Tools Reference #
The pildriver Script
The pilconvert Script
The pilfile Script
The pilfont Script
The pilprint Script
Appendixes #
Software License
Image File Formats
- BUFR (identify only)
- CUR (read only)
- DCX (read only)
- EPS (write-only)
- FITS (identify only)
- FLI, FLC (read only)
- FPX (read only)
- GBR (read only)
- GD (read only)
- GRIB (identify only)
- HDF5 (identify only)
- ICO (read only)
- IM
- IMT (read only)
- IPTC/NAA (read only)
- MCIDAS (read only)
- MIC (read only)
- MPEG (identify only)
- PALM (write only)
- PCD (read only)
- PDF (write only)
- PIXAR (read only)
- PSD (read only)
- SGI (read only)
- TGA (read only)
- WAL (read only)
- WMF (identify only)
- XPM (read only)
- XV Thumbnails