
Is it possible to write obfuscated one-liners in Python?

Is it possible to write obfuscated one-liners in Python? Yes. Usually this is done with nested lambda forms. See the following three examples, due to Ulf Bartelt: # Primes < 1000 print filter(None,map(lambda y:y*reduce(lambda x,y:x*y!=0, map(lambda x,y=y:y%x,range(2,int(pow(y,0.5)+1))),1),range(2,1000))) # First 10 Fibonacci numbers print map(lambda x,f=lambda x,f:(x<=1) or (f(x-1,f)+f(x-2,f)): f(x,f), range(10)) # Mandelbrot set print (lambda Ru,Ro,Iu,Io,IM,Sx,Sy:reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda y, […]

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Code Objects

Code objects represent byte-compiled executable Python code, or bytecode. The difference between a code object and a function object is that the function object contains an explicit reference to the function’s globals (the module in which it was defined), while a code object contains no context; also the default argument values are stored in the function object, not

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Including Element Trees in Django Templates

in this tutorial we will see how to use Elementtree module in Django templates. Here’s an ultra simple elementtree serialization filter for Django:: # File: templatetags/elementtree_extras.py try: import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: from elementtree.ElementTree as ET from django.core import template register = template.Library() ## # Serializes an element structure to XHTML (or just plain XML). def

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AI Doomsday: Unveiling the Potential Threats of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, revolutionizing various aspects of human life. However, amidst the enthusiasm surrounding AI’s potential, concerns have emerged about a hypothetical scenario known as the AI Doomsday. This theory suggests that AI could surpass human intelligence and pose existential risks to humanity. In this article, we will

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Power in Python | Python pow()

Python has various arithmetic operators that take numerical values as input and returns a single numerical value. The arithmetic operators used in Python or any programming language are: Operator Use for Example + Addition x+y – Subtraction x-y * Multiplication x*y / Division x/y % Modulus x%y ** Exponentiation x**y // Floor division x//y Power

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Square Root in Python

Python is one of the easy-to-learn programming languages not just because of its simple English syntax but also due to the presence of lots of libraries for different tasks. These are the reasons for Python being so popular among newbies. Similarly, for doing mathematics tasks, Python has a built-in module called math that is used

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Python Reverse List items

In Python, we have the reverse() method to reverse the sorting order of the elements in List, Tuple, or String in place. Python Reverse with List Here we have a list of integers. We need to reverse its items. Output: 2, 7, 3, 5, 1 Below we have a list with string values. We need

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Python if not

In this short post, we see if with not operator in Python. In Python, the not operator is a logical operator that performs boolean negation. It takes a single boolean operand and returns the opposite boolean value. You can use the not operator in an if statement to check if a given condition is not met. To make an if statement

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(the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library

Based in part on over 3,000 newsgroup articles written by Python veteran Fredrik Lundh since 1995, this book provides brief descriptions and sample scripts for all standard modules in the Python 2.0 Library. Printable chapters:Preface1. Core Modules2. More Standard Modules3. Threads and Processes4. Data Representation5. File Formats6. Mail and News Messages7. Network Protocols8. Internationalization9. Multimedia Modules10. Data Storage11. Tools and Utilities12. Platform Specific Modules13. Implementation Support Modules14. Other Modules

(the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library Read More »


Generally, the user who use Google Chrome browser may have encountered the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. It is a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) error that occurs when the browser fails to establish a secure connection with the website. In this post we, will give you the reason for this SSL error and way to resolve this bug. But

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ElementTree: Working with Namespaces and Qualified Names

The XML Namespace specification adds qualified names to XML. A qualified name is a tag or attribute name that is associated with a given namespace. A namespace usually represents some kind of application domain, such as hypertext, graphics, resource descriptions, or type information. The Namespace specification allows a single XML document to contain tags and attributes from

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When importing module X, why do I get “undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2*”?

ou are using a version of Python that uses a 4-byte representation for Unicode characters, but some C extension module you are importing was compiled using a Python that uses a 2-byte representation for Unicode characters (the default). If instead the name of the undefined symbol starts with PyUnicodeUCS4, the problem is the reverse: Python

When importing module X, why do I get “undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2*”? Read More »

Javascript Basics

Most of the internet applications are built using many interoperable languages; hence HTML alone will not be sufficient in making these web applications interactive. HTML is static, so you cannot have loops, variables, and interactive functionality. But HTML being a static language, it can beeasily incorporated with different languages to develop a complex page. In

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Azure Active Directory

A digitally transformed world requires a focus on empowering everyone to be productive and collaborate together securely. To create a modern workplace, IT must provide seamless access to the tools and data people need, wherever they are, on whichever device they choose. To help keep your modern workplace secure, you need to protect your data

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Logitech Unifying Software

In this post, we have talked about Logitech Unifying Software and it’s features and have given the way to download it. Many wireless mice and keyboards use a USB receiver to communicate with the computer. When you have multiple wireless peripherals, each one requires its own receiver, which can be inconvenient and may lead to

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Note: This article is a stub. A more detailed analysis of different simple cache implementations will be published later. See the notes below for a rough summary. The following is a simple cache implementation, which is suitable for relatively small caches (up to a few hundred items), and where it’s relatively costly to create or reload

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Tkinter Scrollbar Patterns

Tkinter Scrollbar Patterns Tkinter provides a number of scrollable widgets, but unlike many other toolkits, the widgets do not maintain their own scrollbars. To add a scrollbar to a scrollable widget, you have to create separate Scrollbar widget instances, and attach them to the widget. This article explains how the scrollbar interface works, and shows you how to

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Fix connections to bluetooth audio devices and wireless displays in windows 10

In this post, we will see the solution to fix the connection to Bluetooth audio devices and wireless displays in windows 10. How to fix the connection to Bluetooth audio devices and wireless displays in windows 10? If you’re experiencing issues with connecting Bluetooth audio devices or wireless displays in Windows 10, here are some

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FastAPI | FastAPI vs Flask

What is FastAPI? FastAPI is a modern, fast, web-based framework for building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in Python. It is designed to be easy to use, highly performant, and productive for developers. FastAPI is built on top of Starlette, a high-performance asynchronous web framework, and Pydantic, a powerful data validation and serialization library. FastAPI leverages

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Underscore Js Library

In this tutorial, we will deliver into underscore library of JavaScript and see how to use them in your programs. What is Underscore.js? Underscore.js is a popular JavaScript utility library that provides helpful functions for working with arrays, objects, functions, and more. performing common tasks in a concise and efficient way. Learn about Javascript basics.

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The msvcrt module

(Windows/DOS only). This module gives you access to a number of functions in the Microsoft Visual C/C++ Runtime Library (MSVCRT). The getch function reads a single keypress from the console: Example: Using the msvcrt module to get key presses # File: msvcrt-example-1.py import msvcrt print “press ‘escape’ to quit…” while 1: char = msvcrt.getch() if char ==

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Uncaught (in promise) DOMException

What is Uncaught (in promise) DOMException Error? The error message “uncaught (in promise) DOMException” typically indicates an issue with a JavaScript Promise that has been rejected with a DOMException. When you make use of Promises in JavaScript, the code is structured in a way that allows it to handle asynchronous operations without blocking the main

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